XLIFF Utilities

This page serves as the source to my non-Sourceforge open source software applications (mostly XLIFF utilities)

These utilities are open source, Apache license.

XLIFF 2.0 XMarker Checker

This command line utility lets you check XLIFF 2.0 files against the XML Schema for XML validity, plus it checks the XLIFF file against all the processing requirements and constraints listed in the XLIFF 2.0 Specification.

XLIFF 2.0 FragmentID Decorator

Fragment ID Decorator for XLIFF 2.0 (beta version 0.008)

This is an open source utility that decorates any XLIFF 2.0 file with Fragment IDs. Information about Fragment IDs can be obtained in the latest XLFF 2.0 Specification (I will add the URL when it is published).

Run the attached XSLT against any valid XLIFF file, and any element eligible to have a Fragments ID will have its absolute Fragment ID added. For elements that allow extensible attributes, the fragment ID will be added as xmrk:FragID="some ID." These elements are

  • file
  • group
  • unit
  • note
  • ph
  • pc
  • sc
  • ec
  • mrk
  • sm
  • modules
  • extensions

Elements that do not allow extensible attributes will have fragment IDs added to a comment immediately following the start tag. These elements are:

  • segment
  • ignorable
  • em
  • cp
  • data

Consult the readme file for more information.

xliffRoundTrip Tool

This tool lets you take any well-formed XLIFF file as a source, turn it into an XLIFF 2.0 file, translate it, and turn it back into a translated XML file of the exact same format as the source.

DITA-XLIFF RoundTrip plugin for the DITA Open Toolkit

This tool compiles any DITA project (topics and maps) into XLIFF, translate it, and transform the translated XLIFF back into a translated DITA project.

Coming Soon here and at your favorite App Store, all XMarker Utilities in one easy to use interface!